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Digital Crew Nordic

Cookie & Privacy Policy

Cookie Policy



On this website, we use cookies. This policy describes the use of cookies and the purposes for which we use cookies.



  • Cookies are small data files that a website stores on your computer when you visit it. These cookies act as a type of memory for the website, recording your activities and preferences during your visit. When you return to the same website later, these cookies help the website to recognize you and remember your previous interactions.

  • First-party cookies are cookies used solely by this website and are not shared or transferred to other websites.

  • Third-party cookies are cookies used by third parties, meaning other websites and services we use on this website.


 This website uses both first-party and third-party cookies.


 We use cookies for the following purposes:


Functionality cookies

These are necessary cookies that ensure this website functions as it should.


Analysis and statistics

These are cookies used for traffic measurements and analysis of usage patterns, etc.



These are cookies used to customize the website based on what we know about you. For example, we may display information about services that we believe may be of interest to you because you have shown interest in the service during previous visits to the website.



These are cookies used to manage our marketing, for example by displaying ads on other websites to those who have visited this website.


Modify or withdraw your consent


You can change or withdraw your consent at any time by either deleting cookies from your browser or changing your original choice by clicking "Cookie Settings" in the bottom left corner of the page.


Note: If you are using more than one browser, you must clear cookies in all of them.



Do you have any questions?

Please contact us if you have any comments or questions regarding our information and/or processing of personal data.

Contact us at




Privacy Policy


 Digital Crew complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the collection of personal data. In this privacy policy, we explain the type of personal data we store, how we process it, and how long we store it.


Personal data that we collect and process

We process the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact information: name, email address, phone number

  • Customer activity: reading and interaction history from websites or electronic communication we send, as well as technical information about the devices you use.

  • Active contracts and services that you have had previously, how much and how often they are used, and the status of services

  • Cookies: see our information on cookies


 The personal data is collected directly from you or generated in connection with your reading of our email communication or visits to our website. The personal data is stored for as long as necessary for the purpose of the processing of personal data. When the personal data is no longer needed for the purpose, it is deleted or anonymized.


 How we use personal data


Service delivery


We use your personal data to deliver email dispatches and phone communication that you have signed up for. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is your consent. You can revoke this consent at any time by unsubscribing to our emails, SMS, or via phone calls.


Service delivery/contract


We use your personal data to fulfill our contracts with you, that is, when you have ordered a service from us. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is that the processing is necessary to fulfill a contract with you.


Analysis, business development, and service improvement


We are constantly working to develop and improve our services and the information we provide you. This work involves analyzing contact information and customer activity. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is our legitimate interest.


Management of customer relationships


We use your personal data to manage our customer relationship with you. This may include customer service, handling complaints, and troubleshooting regarding your account. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is that the processing is necessary to fulfill a contract with you.


Customized user experience


We customize the user experience and communication to your customer relationship, and we use personal data for this purpose. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is our legitimate interest.


Sales and marketing


We use personal data in connection with the sales and marketing of our services, for example by sending you emails from us. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is consent. You can revoke this consent at any time by unsubscribing to our emails, SMS, or via phone calls. 


System monitoring, troubleshooting, etc.


We monitor our systems for faults and problems. Some of these processes involve the storage and processing of personal data. The legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is our legitimate interest.


Your rights


If you want to exercise any of your rights, contact us at


Right to access own data


You can request a copy of all data we process about you. Contact us at the email address above to exercise your right to access.


Correction of personal data


You have the right to request that we correct or supplement incorrect or misleading data.


Right to erasure of personal data


You have the right to have your personal data deleted without undue delay. You can request that we delete data about yourself at any time.


Restriction of processing of personal data


In some situations, you can also request that we restrict the processing of your data. You do this by managing consents or reservations in our solutions.


Objecting to the processing of personal data


If we process your data based on our data or based on a balancing of interests, you have the right to object to our processing of your data.


Data portability


You have the right to have your personal data provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Contact us at the email address above to obtain disclosure of your personal data.


Right to complain about our processing of personal data


We hope that you will tell us if you believe that we are not following the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation. Please tell us first through the contact or channel you have already established with us. You can also complain about our processing of personal data. You do this to the Data Inspection Authority.

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